Lesson of the Day by Rouwayda!
Meet Rouwayda, a BLN (Basic Literacy and Numeracy) English teacher at Minieh center in Tripoli, who shares her story on the power of education.
“When I joined the ‘Back to the Future Project’, I noticed a change in my student’s approach towards the English language once they started the classes” expressed Rouwayda. “They began demonstrating a willingness to learn and a desire to use English in any given context; such as sharing their ideas, describing real-life situations, and even asking questions”.
She once asked her students: “How has your life changed since you started taking this course?” Their response was overwhelmingly positive. According to many of her students, English is now interrelated with their everyday lives and is no longer a strange language as they use it more often while interacting with their siblings, friends, and even their neighbors. They would jump on any opportunity to show off their English skills!
“Now, we greet each other in English, we introduce ourselves in English. We even express our thoughts and feelings in English!” says Mohamad, one of Rouwayda’s students.
“I was also amazed by the impact of academic learning on their (students) behaviors and personalities. For example, during their time in the program, they learned how to respond and cope with destructive behaviors, and that ‘standing up’ for oneself doesn’t always require a physical fight. Instead, the best way to deal with such situations is to be kind and respectful”.
She also adds, “It has been a wonderful and rewarding experience working with these children; something I will always cherish. I tried to deliver my teaching message in a practical and beneficial ways, allowing my students to cope with any challenges they might face, and help them to apply what they learn to real-life situations”.
“Back to the Future” is funded by the European Union in Lebanon, through the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the EU Madad Fund, and implemented in partnership by AVSI, Terre des hommes Italy in Lebanon and War Child Holland in Lebanon.
January 2022