“Back to the Future” on Vatican News


The Vatican news channel, Vatican News, made a documentary about children who fled from Syria to Jordan and Lebanon. It provides a wonderful image of the children that are able to go back to school thanks to the programme Back to the Future.

Back to the Future: refugee children back to school

Many of the Syrian children have received no education for months or even years due to the ongoing war in their home country. Because of the Back to the Future programme of War Child Nederland, Terre des Hommes Italy, AVSI and Terre des Hommes Netherlands they are given the opportunity to overcome their learning disadvantages.

Beautiful images of laughing children

The documentary focusses on the programmes in both countries. The programme makers did interviews with government representatives, the teachers and the children’s parents. But they also show wonderful images of the children, who are once again able to be children and play and learn at school after long periods of severe ordeals.