THe power of determination
May 2024
Raed, a 10-year-old boy, is now a student in the Basic Literacy and Numeracy classes (BLN) under the “Back to The Future” program. He is attending class for the first time in many years. Raed was struggling with a lack of confidence due to his learning difficulties, which affected his ability to read and write at the age level. This led to challenges with interpersonal skills and making friends.
At the beginning of the cycle, the child did not show any interest in participating in the program. He spent his time playing with his stationery and avoided any communication with his friends and teachers, which resulted in his self-exclusion from all academic and social activities carried out at the center.
As a response, his teachers created a supportive learning environment to develop Raed’s self-efficacy and his positive attitude toward learning. They engaged Raed through positive reinforcement, highlighting his strengths and valuable contributions to the class. They also created modified learning objectives to address his specific needs through an Individualized Education Plan in collaboration with his speech therapist.
There was an evident change in Raed throughout the learning cycle. He defied the challenges and began to seek out opportunities to learn and interact with others.
His Arabic teacher was happy to report a significant improvement in his performance, particularly with reading and writing, two activities that previously used to shatter Raed’s self-esteem. By the end of the cycle, as the teacher reports, he was the most motivated student in class participating with enthusiasm in all proposed activities.
The “Back to the Future V” program is funded by European Union Humanitarian Aid, and implemented by AVSI Middle East and Terre des Hommes Italy in Lebanon in partnership with Association Nabad for Development, Sawa for Development and Aid, Fraternity Association, Movement Social, and Uspeak, and in collaboration with Bqosta Association, Al Moasat Association, and Phoenix Forum.