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The Consortium | Back to the Future



AVSI Foundation, an NGO created in 1972, carries out cooperation projects for development, with particular emphasis on education. In its work, its attention is focused on the defense and promotion of the dignity of the person, the cornerstone of every project. We work all around the world thanks to a network of 35 founding members and more than 700 partners. AVSI Foundation operates in different environments: education and social development, urban development, health, employment and training, agriculture, food security, water, energy, protection of the environment, humanitarian emergencies, migration, human rights.

Terre des Hommes Italia

Terre des Hommes Italia exists to protect children from all forms of violence or abuse, to ensure every child’s right to health, education and life. Terre des Hommes Italia Onlus is a member of the Terre des Hommes International Federation, registered in Lebanon and Italy. In Lebanon, Terre des Hommes Italia operates since 2006, and currently implements Education and Child Protection activities reaching more than 15,000 children across the country. Terre des Hommes Italia supports formal and non-formal activities for pre-school and school-aged children through innovative education models, both in education centers and at community level.

War Child Holland

War Child is an independent and impartial, international non-governmental organisation investing in a peaceful future for children and young people affected by armed conflict, regardless of their religion, ethnicity, social background, or gender. We work exclusively to improve the resilience and wellbeing of children, by empowering them and working to unleash their inner strength through a creative and engaging approach. We deliver vital child protection, education and psychosocial support by working together with caregivers and communities to strengthen the resilience and psychosocial wellbeing of conflict-affected children.

(Partner in phases I, II, and III)


Community organizations

phase ii

In phase II, the Back to the Future project benefited more than 33,000 children of all nationalities across Lebanon, and brought together a consortium of 12 local Community-Based Organizations, three international Non-governmental Organizations, as well as several technical collaborators, including the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE).

phase IV

Six local Community-Based Organizations are supporting the implementation of the activities.

phase V

Several implementing partners and community-based organizations are supporting the implementation of the activities.