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Syrian refugee children back to school on ‘5 uur live’ (Phase I) | Back to the Future

Syrian refugee children back to school on ‘5 uur live’ (Phase I)

Hundreds of thousands of refugee children from Syria are waiting in Lebanon and Jordan for peace so that they can return to their homes. Most of them are in a hopeless situation. They live with their families in camps and are especially vulnerable to exploitation, such as child trafficking and child labour. They often can not attend school. The project ‘Back to the Future’ answers the educational needs of these children to become the builders of a brighter future for Syria and the region.

More than 450.000 Syrian refugee children in Lebanon and more than 240.000 in Jordan are 3 to 18 years old; 60% of them are out of school. An entire generation is growing up with little reason to nurture hope in a better future, this is why education is crucial for the development of all those affected by the conflict.

18.682 refugee children back to school

With the support of the EU (through the EU Madad Fund), the organizations AVSI, Terre des Hommes Italy, Terre des Hommes Netherlands and War Child Holland launched the project ‘Back to the Future’. Over a 3-year period (2016-2019), the project will enable more than 18,682 refugee children in Lebanon and Jordan to go to school. The aim is to alleviate the impact of the Syrian crisis on the most vulnerable refugee children and their families as well as the host communities in Lebanon and Jordan. Because going back to school means going ‘back to the future’.

Back to the future on ‘5 uur live’ television show

Journalist Fidan Ekiz visited a number of these educational projects for refugee children and talks about them in the television show ‘5 uur live’.