Raising Hands!
It’s the day to learn about shapes and colors. Sara (Alias name) is sitting in a class of around 20 children, raising her hand to answer the teacher’s question. This is the same girl who had no answers, no reactions, and no participation almost a year ago when she joined the BTF education program.
It was Spring 2021 when the phone rang at the center. It was Sara’s mother. She had received positive feedback from neighbors and relatives about the program and she reached out to check if she can register her daughter. Sara is five years old, and she had never attended school before. Few days later, Sara was included in the Early Childhood Education Program (ECE).
The “Back to the Future” bus picks up Sara from her home and brings her back in the afternoon. On the bus, in the beginning she never interacted with her friends. The situation was the same in the class, during snack breaks, in the art sessions, and even at home. She was always the quiet and shy girl.
Noticing this all, the teacher knew that Sara needed some extra support to boost self-confidence. “At first Sara wouldn’t even say her name when everyone introduced themselves to the class. With time and patience, she started to participate more, and soon after she requested to go up to the board. It’s amazing the progress that she was able to make”.
“Sara was very shy. Now she is braver and more confident.”, said her mother. “I never have to wake her up and push her to get ready to go to class, she always gets up early, gets ready, and waits for the bus eagerly”.
Education is not only a means for obtaining writing and reading skills. It goes much beyond this. It boosts self-confidence and gives the children the courage to participate, socialize, and express themselves. Raising hands now is raising voices in the future.
“Back to the Future” is funded by the European Union in Lebanon, through the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the EU Madad Fund, and implemented in partnership by AVSI, Terre des hommes Italy in Lebanon and War Child Holland in Lebanon.
February 2022