Nour’s Story
March 2024
Nour (Alias name) is a 5-year-old child. She confronted bullying due to speech difficulties and polydactyly (an additional finger), while her family struggled with economic hardship due to unemployment.
Followed up by Mouvement Social’s Case Management team, Nour took part in the psycho-social support sessions that aimed to enhance her emotional well-being and boost her self-esteem. She was also referred to speech therapy sessions to improve her speaking skills. Her family was provided with positive parenting sessions to ensure sustainable holistic growth.
Within two months, Nour blossomed into a social, confident, and engaging child, astonishing teachers with her remarkable behavioral changes.
Her journey showcases the transformative power of tailored interventions. It reflects hope and inspiration and underlines the importance of strategic actions in overcoming challenges.
The “Back to the Future V” program is funded by European Union Humanitarian Aid, and implemented by AVSI Middle East and Terre des Hommes Italy in Lebanon in partnership with Association Nabad for Development, Sawa for Development and Aid, Fraternity Association, Movement Social, and Uspeak, and in collaboration with Bqosta Association, Al Moasat Association, and Phoenix Forum.